Saturday 21 November 2015

New | Hybrids in Films | The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

In most fantasy, fairytale films there is always some sort of creature and if can identify then sometimes they are in fact hybrids, like the last picture above of the half cow half human creature. Both of them are things you see everyday, but putting them together makes it look quite creepy. I think this hybrid is similar to the Ancient Greek mythology of a Minotaur, with the horns nearer the top of the head an very large and then there ears just underneath, however a Minotaur's are a lot longer and bigger. Some hybrids can look quite scary and strange but some how I don't think that would have been a good idea in a children's film.  The picture above is Mr Tumnus, he is half goat and half man, and this is what kinda what I had in mind when thinking about my hybrid the only issue I had was there was no way I could create the bottom half as they were goats legs and the hair from his bottom half faded in to his top half. I really like this effect and I had considered trying to body paint on my model with the effect that it has hair on it.

Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]

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