Wednesday 11 November 2015

Human Hybrid | Idea Two

My second idea for my hybrid was to create a woodland creature, I was heading towards this idea more than my first idea as I have a male model and I thought this would have been easier to create. To create this I wanted to make horns just like images below. However if I wanted to create these horns I would not be able to make them myself instead I would have to buy the pieces, which I didn't want to do also because I didn't have the money to spend on such. I then also thought that I would have to make the ears look a more pointed in which I would have to cast my models ears then create a wound which would take a long time seeing as I haven't learnt how to do that and many things could go wrong.

Image 1: [11th November 2015]
Image 2:  [11th November 2015]

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