Wednesday 11 November 2015

Human Hybrid | Final Idea

I have finally come up with an idea that I actually want to do now, as you know my last two blog posts were about two very different types of animals of which were land and sea and I was so lost with what direction I wanted to go in as there was such a wide variety and things I could go with. In the end I decide to combine both land and sea creatures, as after all it is a hybrid so anything could be. I have decided to make some horns out of silicone but instead of them being big as they will not be able to support themselves, therefore I am going to make smaller horns about 1-2 inches high. This  will be from the woodland side of the creature. For the sea to part I am going to also make some gills out of silicone but only have them on one side of the body. To also make my hybrid look more fish like I am going to use fish net tights to create the scales and hopefully use a blue and silver greasepaint to make it look shiny and if not that add a bit more oil into that mixture to make it have a wet look. I also will have a coat that I will apply sea shells and other things related to the sea, to the coat to add to the sea creature more, I will also leave the coat slightly open to reveal hair on the chest that from the faun/ram creature, this is why I chose to use a male model as I think this look would look better on a male than on a female, it also helps that my model has hair on his chest.

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