Sunday 29 November 2015

Technical Evaluation

I am really pleased at how much I have learnt this unit with all these techniques, I already knew a small amount of how to mould, sculpting and casting but not with silicone. I made sure that I listened to what was being said at all time and taking notes and I am so glad that I did as it made it so much easier when it came to sculpting, making the silicone moulds, filling the moulds, applying the moulds I created as well colouring the moulds. The part I found most stressful and overwhelming was when it was time to measure out Silicone A and Silicone B, as it was the first any of us had done and I felt like there was so much pressure to make sure I measured out the exactly amount of Silicone A to Silicone B and not to waste any products.The things I found the hardest was making the baldiez mixture and working out how much deadener to put in, I know I could do it but I would think about it  too much and get myself all confused. The only problem I had when creating my hybrid is when it came to filling in the moulds with a silicone mixture, the scales kept turning off and when they turned back on a different number appeared, so I wasn't sure how the measurement went and I think I ended up so I was worried about how my piece would come out, when it came out it felt so watery and weird but I quite liked it at the same especially because they were gills and it actually worked out really well.

Now finishing this unit and looking back I have learnt so much more and feel so much more confident as well. I learnt how important it is for us to follow the health and safety rules, as if you don't wear a mask when dealing with the products it can all get a bit to much and give you a head so it is key that when creating pieces you are in a well ventilated place and making sure you keep the window open at all times. We have also learn that silicone is such a sensitive substance and anything top it from setting such as aloe vera and even sculpting and making the silicone moulds with garlic in the air from cooking can effect it. I have also really enjoyed learning about all the new products and I would have loved to have done this unit all year around as I feel like there is so much we could have done and learnt about, as special effects is such a big thing.

Final Project Evaluation

With this project I have learnt so much more than I already knew. I learnt how to create prosthetic pieces using a silicone mixture, and the importance that silicone has to be measured out accurately to be able to create these moulds. I preferred this way of making moulds as before I learnt a way that took almost two days to do where as this way with the silicone you can create something within the day. I really enjoyed trying to create a fork wound, at first I found it a bit difficult but after researching and coming across this heretics fork I was excited to try and create a wound that was from a fork.

For my hybrid I decided to go for a creature that was half land creature and sea creature. I really enjoyed this part of the unit as it allowed us to do anything that we wanted and there was so much that I wanted to do and I know I couldn't put everything together in one hybrid, so I felt a little overwhelmed, and my ideas sort of just halted for the time and I was dabbing between two ideas. I finally came up with my idea and then I knew I didn't have long to create these pieces to make my hybrid look they way I wanted it. When making these pieces I found it very therapeutic and enjoyable and I think my work came out really well for how much time we had and how much we learnt as sometimes it was quite overwhelming with how much we had to take in as well keeping up to date with all my blogging, but I have definitely found it easier this year to keep blogging, I think it is because I love these like this and this is what initially got me in to makeup.

Friday 27 November 2015

Week 9

I don't have much to reflect on for week nine really as this was the last week we were able to do our hybrids and I am so glad that I didn't have to re do my hybrid again, as I think this would have stressed me out and it had given me more time to work on my blog, although I wasn't behind or anything I just feel so more relaxed that I only really have to worry about one thing. Without sounding horrible but when I came into class and I saw people still creating moulds and stressing about their hybrids, I was so glad I wasn't in there position, and I finally thought to myself that I have sorted out my timing with getting my practicals done, however I am still not that great getting all my blog post done on time.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

New | Hybrid Images

Creating Hybrid | Step by Step

Products/ Equiptment:
- Barrier Cream
- Prosthetics Pieces
- Isopropyl Alchohol
- Cotton Buds
- Kryolan's Foundation palette
- Kryolan's supra colour palette
- Kryolan's Aqua colour palette
- Mehron painting pots
- Ben Nye's Fresh Scab
- Shimmery Eyeshadow
- Brushes
- Scissors
- Fish Net Tights


  1. Set up my work space with all the products that I did, then cleanse, tone and moisturise my models skin.
  2. Apply barrier cream to the face, whilst drying cut away sides from the prosthetic piece but not to close to the actual wound.
  3. Apply pros aide to the back of the prosthetics piece making sure the sides don't folder over. Apply pros aide to the skin where the piece will be going. Allow to dry, the glue will become tacky and clear. 
  4. Place the pieces onto the skin and insure that the piece is stuck down, with a cotton bud and isopropyl alcohol to blend away the edges and so that the piece looks like they blend into the skin.
  5. Repeat these steps with the rest of the pieces.
  6. Mixing a skin tone of foundation that matches your model, then adding in green and blue grease paint to the foundation the apply to the skin, in circle motions with a foundation brush as well as a buffing brush. Work down the neck and onto the chest.
  7. With fish netting tights, stretch them then place over the skin, the using aqua make it in to quite a thick paste but not to thick that you can use it, then dab over it tights making sure they are tight so that nothing smudges underneath.
  8. Once that is all complete, the next thing to do is with horns, with Ben Nye's fresh scab place around the bottom of the horns.
  9. For the lips using mehron's silver paint on the lips then using a dark blue aqua paint line the lips gently.
  10. For the eyes I used a shimmery eyeshadow that makes it blue, I placed that all over the eyelid to give it some texture and also to stop the greasepaint rubbing off.

Sunday 22 November 2015

The Hobbit

Everyone must know that The Hobbit sequel has become very popular and is such a massive thing. But of course with such a massive thing to create, creatures and the characters wouldn't have taken just a few days, oh no it took 26 days just to film one scene so it was a very long process but defiantly a rewarding one when you can sit back and watch and say that you worked on this film. Here are some more facts and figures from the blockbuster movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It took 25 months for the texture department to get Smaug's skin right.  4 tons of silicone was used to create the facial prosthetics, as well another 14 tons to create weapons and armour. After creating all those pieces it then took 5 hours to create the hair, make up and costume for each of the dwarfs. Then for Bilbo there was over 100 hobbit feet just for him in this one movie. There was 263 beards made for this film, with 7 kilometres of toupe tape used to help attach the beards to the face. 91 of those beards were just for the 13 dwarfs. Then of course there needs to be a substance to take all this make up off so with 860 bottles of Isopropyl alcohol to remove everything. AND for the whole trilogy of The Hobbit 11,862 prosthetics were made.
I genuinely love film like this, it all started when I started to watch Lord Of the Rings but of course it wasn't just once it was quite a few times and then it became more and more so much to the point where I can watch it and not pay attention for a while and still know what is happening. Although it was never like this I can remember at christmas Lord Of the Rings was always on and I hated it, I think it was because of the creature Golem he used to scary me so much, but as I grew up and watched it again it wasn't that bad at all and I don't know why I was scared. I was thrilled to hear that they were making the book of the hobbit into a film, and when I went to see it in the cinema it was defiantly worth the wait, it was amazing and it is so action packed that you don't even realise you have been sitting there for three hours. 

Image 1: [22nd November]
Image 2: [22nd November 2015]

Saturday 21 November 2015

New | Hybrids in Films | The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

In most fantasy, fairytale films there is always some sort of creature and if can identify then sometimes they are in fact hybrids, like the last picture above of the half cow half human creature. Both of them are things you see everyday, but putting them together makes it look quite creepy. I think this hybrid is similar to the Ancient Greek mythology of a Minotaur, with the horns nearer the top of the head an very large and then there ears just underneath, however a Minotaur's are a lot longer and bigger. Some hybrids can look quite scary and strange but some how I don't think that would have been a good idea in a children's film.  The picture above is Mr Tumnus, he is half goat and half man, and this is what kinda what I had in mind when thinking about my hybrid the only issue I had was there was no way I could create the bottom half as they were goats legs and the hair from his bottom half faded in to his top half. I really like this effect and I had considered trying to body paint on my model with the effect that it has hair on it.

Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]

Friday 20 November 2015

New | Hybrids in Films | Harry Potter

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort is most comply known as 'The One Who Must Not Be Named'. But right from the start he was known as Tom Riddle which makes his first appearance in the second film. Tom was an orphan just like Harry Potter, however Tom Riddle was a powerful wizard who dabbled in the dark arts and learning more and more into the dark arts, he manages to split his soul into eight pieces, which are known as horcruxes. With each piece spilt from his soul his appearance started to distort. Eventually Voldemort was ripped from his body, although he was unable to die he could not regain a permanent and physical body.  Although he wasn't dead his horcruxes were keeping him alive. Voldemort went to a forrest in Albania, where he waited for his faithful death eaters to find him however some had believed he had died and the others were in the prison Azkaban. Voldemort gained physical form by inhabiting snakes, thought he disliked doing so as the bodies of these animals were not up to standard to perform magic, and because his possession significantly reduced their lifespan, as non of his hosts ever surveyed for too long.

Below is a video of how they created Lord Voldemort, with the help from CGI.

Merpeople from Harry Potter 

 These creatures are also found in Harry Potter where students are contesting for the Triwizard tournament. These are the creatures that stops Harry from saving two people. Merpeople are half human and half fish hybrids, however they are not actually half breeds. Like all humans merpeople come in all shape and sizes, although colours that are uncommon in humans appear to be widespread in these creatures, as the majority of the Black Lake merpeople colony (the ones in Harry Potter) they have green hair, yellow eyes and grey skin and all the traits that would be very uncommon, for a human to naturally possess. As you can in the image below of the sculpture of the merpeople, they have yellow hair at the moment but when on screen and have been filmed they have green hair. These creatures are also a lot taller than humans as they can be up to seven feet which is not a usual height for humans.

Image: [ Accessed 20th November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 20th November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 20th November 2015]
Internet: [Accessed 20th November 2015]
Internet: [Accessed 20th November 2015]
YouTube: [Accessed 20th November 2015]

Wednesday 18 November 2015

New | Week 8 | Creating My Hybrid

When I got into class I set up as usual, and starting to apply my prosthetic pieces, however before I actually applied my first one I spent a little bit of time working out which would be best to do first. I chose to do the gills on first as I knew I was having trouble will releasing it from the mould, so I thought that I would spend time on the gills, as they were so delicate from where I accidentally put too much deadener in. Before I applied the piece I had to cut away some the edges and this was difficult as it was so slippery and bendy and trying to cut it without ruining was quite nerve racking.
So it came it actually applying it now and I thought cutting it was hard! When applying pros aide to my piece it was flip flopping everywhere, the sides were sticking and it was so horrible, I decided to then just try and stick the edges of the piece to my hand so that at least the sides wouldn't fold in and make it impossible for me to bend it. When all the pros aide was dry it was time to stick it on to the skin, obviously I knew it would take a while and it would be difficult as I stuck it to my hand, but saying that with me worrying about it, it actually came off my hand really easy, and it was a piece of cake. When blending this piece it didn't take long at all, I literally couldn't believe it wasn't taking as long as I thought it would which made me feel a lot more confident, especially as it gave me more time to do the rest of the look.

Once my gills were in place, stuck down and were blended perfectly, it was time to try and place the horns on and this was a struggle, trying to put pros aide on to the piece was extremely difficult as again the sides would fold over it also didn't help that my hand was still sticky from the other piece that I had just applied. I managed to stick one on fine and then it just started to go down hill really. Sticking on the second one I thought I was doing fine and when it was stuck down and complete it was odd, the application was even and everything was okay with that it was just that the horn was facing the other way, but it wasn't a massive difference, when it came to blending in the horn its was so easy apart from where I had got some silicone mixture on the baldiez so I couldn't blend it in perfectly to skin. Of course it wasn't much of a big deal, because I was just going to cover it with make up. Also it doesn't matter as it is a hybrid so I can and will change my idea of a hybrid. The next part of doing the make up was fine and didn't take me long at all. I had a general idea what I wanted my hybrid to look like however I did change a few things on the day just because I felt like something needed more and also some things didn't go to plan so I had to change a few things.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

New | Week 8

Week 8. The week where we have a chance to create our hybrids a week in advance incase anything did go wrong. Although I was happy that we were able to create our hybrids again incase it went wrong, however it did mean that I still had a lot to do for it and very little time. I was fortunate enough to come in on the Monday during the other classes special effects to be able to create the baldiez mixture which would make the mould come out easier. Our first attempt at it was not so good in fact it is was so hard to get the mixture right especially if you have never done it before. The mixture came out watery and we both knew that was not right as it is meant to have a thicker consistency. We then tried to make a another mixture and it went a lot better than the first although I think there was still room for improvement for it as it was a little bit watery still not a lot but enough to affect out moulds when pulling them out, which I will get too in a minute.

Once that was dry the next thing to do is make the silicone mould, which when I made it was fine as I have done it before so I was not worried about it at all, however I wanted to make my horns what and as I squeezed some of the pigment pot quite a bit of it came out white, which was a big deal it was just annoying at how white they came out as I didn't want them that bright. Because I made my horn moulds in the last lesson before all I had to do was add the silicone mould to it and let it set. I didn't have enough time to make my gills mould, so this is something I had to do today, regardless of what time it was I needed to get it done. It was all going swimmingly, the silicone cast thing had set I removed the sculpture fine, then I put on the baldiez mixture and it wasn't until I had finished applying two layers that I realised that I forgot to spray petrol-ease on the mould so that it would be easier when taking it out. So I had to start again, it wasn't that big of a deal as it was just a baldiez  layer that needed to be taken off, then I had to make the silicone piece. Measuring out silicone A was a doddle. Then it was time for silicone B, by the time I was ready to measure that out the scales had turned off and when it was back on it was reading a different number so I tried to measure out the same and I think I got it right but then it was time to add the deadener to it, which I think I added more than I should have, I didn't have time to let it set so I had to leave the studio with the piece half set and half not.  

When I got home I left my mould on the side to set as if it kept moving it would disrupt the mixture. It had been left to set for about 4 hours by the time I got round to looking at it again, I thought it would be okay to remove and it was apart from it was quite squishy from the deadener which made it a bit more difficult to get out so I just had to powder it more and make sure that the edges didn't fold over otherwise that would have been another big problem.

Monday 16 November 2015

New | Costume for My Hybrid

In a previous post I was talking about how I was going to create this coat for my hybrid. I was planning to use the hot glue gun at uni however when I got there, there was none left so to over come this problem I went and brought one myself which I didn't think would be much a bad idea as I will always have one and will not have to reply on either using someone else's or even going in to uni to borrow theres. At first I thought it was going to be easy just sticking them down, but when it came to actually trying to glue the first then place it on the coat I just ended up burning my fingers and getting the glue stuck to my hands, I then thought about placing the glue straight on to the jacket then adding the shells on, which was a lot quicker but I also had to work at a fast paces because they glue would dry so quickly. Although this way was a lot simpler and I didn't get so much glue on me however every so often I would stick my finger in the glue on the coat by accident. I also had some butterflies in my box of all sorts which I am sure everyone has a box of things that they think can come in handy. In the end after finishing the coat I ended up using 6 sticks of glue and I am so glad now that I did buy it and didn't use all of the uni's supply as I would have felt so bad as others students were using it to making sure their sculpts had a barrier around it. Below is an image of coat that I will have my model to wear, as I used a wax jacket it was already quite heavy and placing these embellishments on top made it a lot heavier, so when it comes to shooting my hybrid I will ask my model to put the coat on at the last minute and as after a while it can become uncomfortable.

New | Practising Scales

Because my hybrid is half sea creature, I wanted to put scales on to my hybrid and I wasn't to sure how to without drawing them on myself, so after looking on the internet I came across a women doing ti with fish net tights, so I tried it for myself at first I used eyeshadow and it did nothing so I tried water colours and it worked well, apart from sometimes it smudged so for my hybrid I think I will only do small patches then there isn't a risk of it all smudging and looking like a complete mess.
Here are the photos of how I tried to create scales.

New | Research of Gills

Gills are the organs that allow fish to breathe underwater, they absorb the oxygen from the water and use it for energy. Funnily enough gills are similar to the function of the human lungs. The only main difference is how much they are able to absorb, which is smaller concentrations of available oxygen, whilst allowing the fish to maintain an appropriate level of sodium chloride (which the salt from the sea) in their bloodstream.
Gills work pretty much the same way as lungs do. In the lungs there are small sacs called the alveoli which are 70% capillaries, these carry deoxygenated blood from the body. As oxygen and carbon dioxide pass across the alveoli membrane, the capillaries take the newly oxygenated blood back to the body. Just like lungs do gills have the same layout just that they are in rows and columns and are specialised cells grouped together called the epithelium. The deoxygenated blood in the fish is supplied directly from the heart to the epithelium vis arteries and even yet smaller arterioles. As sea water is forced across the epithelium membranes, dissolved oxygen in the sea water is taken up by tiny blood vessels and veins, while the carbon dioxide is exchanged.

I have researched into gills and how they work as my hybrid is half land creature and half sea creature, so for the sea creature part I wanted to add in gills, as this will allow my hybrid to breathe and live in the water however there are only gills on side of the body.

Image: [16th November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 16th November 2015]
Image: [16th November 2015]

Sunday 15 November 2015

New | Creating My Character

After creating my pieces for my hybrid, I thought how I could enhance my hybrid even more with the use of a costume, at first I wasn't too sure what I could do as my hybrid is a cross between a woodland creature like a faun or a ram, and then the other half is a sea creature like a merman or some sort of fish. SO I thought about maybe doing some sort of fish tail with some pitch fork with a crown, so that he was some sort of underwater king. Then I thought about maybe doing something on the bottom half that represented the woodland creature with some leggings with crepe hair over it, then it came to me that with either of these designs it wouldn't make much sense.
When I was looking at images for inspiration I came across one that has a man in jacket with sea things on it, which I really like the look off, so I thought I would recreate it some how. At home I have an old wax jacket that I am going to use, I also went to the beach at the weekend to collect a lot of sea shells. It definitely was not the best trip to sea I have had, as soon as we got there I needed a wee badly and it was so windy that as soon as I opened my car door it blew shut, eventually I got out the car and the wind and rain was just so much by the time we collected the shells we were soaked. I am pleased at how many shells we managed to get and my boyfriend even found a shell that had pretty pink and purple shimmers, which you can see in the images below.

The next part I have to do now is attached them to the coat somehow, hopefully with the help from a hot glue gun will make them stick, I also want to try and see if fullers earth will stick to coat which hopefully will make it look old. I will also have some fish net tights which I will add over my model then dust with powder to make scales on the skin, as my model as a hairy chest I am using this to my advantage for the effect of a woodland creature I may also add in some crepe hair to make it look more hairy or maybe try and paint on the effect of hair.

New | Week 7

So last week I didn't get much done, as for my normal lesson on a Tuesday instead of attending I went to ScarCon which I have already blogged about, so for this week I had quite a bit of work to do with regards to do sculpting out my pieces that I wanted to apply.  I was a bit worried with the fact that I thought I was going to be behind with the work, of course when I got into my class I found out that we were pretty much at the same point. It also helped that we were able to book tutorials with one of our lectures, which I think helped in a lot of ways as I didn't really know what I wanted to do for a hybrid because I had so many ideas going through my head, having this one to one tutorials helped me make mu mind up a lot quicker as I knew Kat wanted to see what I was going to do instead of me just being like ' oh well I'm not sure what I want to do, I have this idea as well as this one and as well as this one too', I think it also saved me a lot of time so that I could get on with blogging, because I know if I didn't make a decision soon enough I would have taken ages and ages to figure out what I wanted to create.

Friday 13 November 2015

Creating My Hybrid | Sculpting and Moulding

When creating my sculptures for my hybrid, I wanted to create horns so at first I made them going into the clay. Which when I was doing I thought it was going well, apart from that I wanted the horns to be bent slightly then I realised that if I were to do it.  It could go either way, with the fact that it might work complete or it could fail badly. In the end I just decided to go with small straight horns. Eventually I finished what I thought were going to what I apply to my model. However when I arrived in my lecture, I was discussing my sculpture to one of my house mates, Nancy but upon talking , we were discussing if I made the sculptures right. Fortuntetly I had a meeting with Kat, one of my lecturers for the special effects unit. Talking to her about my sculpture as I was so confused if I had done it right, but I hadn't. The way I had made it , when it was time to apply to skin the horns would be going into the skin, instead of protruding out of the skin. So after I had that meeting with Kat I got straight on with re sculpting, so that I would still have enough time to pour silicone over my sculpture.

When I was re sculpting, making the horns stand up out of the clay, I also made a little dent around it with a ring around as this will make it look like it coming out of the skin more smoothly. I wanted the horns to be bend slight and now that I am making the correctly I can have a bend,however if it has too much of an over hand I will not be able to remove the sculpture once the silicone has set. So my little horns only have the tinniest little bit of a bend. Below are the images of my sculpture and then when I moulded them.

When making the silicone mould I was a bit nervous as this was something I was doing alone, I know I had already done it by myself but it was when both Kat and Sue were in the lesson so they were there to help if anything went wrong. I managed to do it by myself so easy I really don't know why I was nervous. I knew that I would have to make quite a big quantity of it as the sculpture stood up, so I decided to make 80g of silicone A which meant that I would have to measure out 80g of silicone B, the first lot I made was fine, and I thought I had made enough, so off I went and mixed it together quickly, tapped it on the side to make sure any big air bubbles got out and started to pour over my first sculpture, and kept pouring over it until the horn was covered, unfortunately there was not enough mixture to cover my second one. 

I had to make more and this sort of panicked me as I knew I did not have long to create the next mixture, I also wasn't sure whether to use the same cup that I just used or use another one and I knew I had to be quick so I just went for it, the worse thing that could happen is that it didn't set, but as I was pouring out silicone A, I thought to myself that it will be fine the silicones will just get mixed together so using the same cup will be fine. ( and it was!).

I have to admit I did rush this bit and in hind sight I probably shouldn't as the silicone tubs could have been contaminated so quickly, but in the back of my mind was just the fact that I needed to get this mixture done. I measured out 60g of both silicone A and B mixed, tapped and poured over the other mixture, and I honestly thought that, this mixture would cover it, and I was nearly right. It just managed to cover it with a few centimetres over it. After the little stress I had over making the last little mixture I was more willing to redo the whole thing than making a little more mixture in a hurry. Because I made the second lot of mixture in a hurry I was a little worried to if my mixture would set. Thankfully it did and I managed to pull the silicone away from sculpture however it did pull the horns off but they came straight out of the silicone.

After having my meeting with Kat and discussing my hybrid idea, I thought about making another piece to stick onto the skin. Because my hybrid is half land and half sea creature I wanted to create gills on one side of the skin. I have to admit I hadn't don't much research into that yet so that is definitely on my to do list at some point, I know I will get it done but have no clue when. I was sculpting these whilst my other moulds were setting, unfortunately I did not have enough time to stick a barrier around my mould or even do the mixture to go over it, so this is at the top of my priority list for Monday when I can go into uni and complete it. Below are the images of my gill sculpture.

Thursday 12 November 2015

New | Face Charts

Here are some of my options that I have created that I want to use for my hybrid idea, most of the face charts are the same as I know where I want my pieces to go I'm just not to sure what I want to do with the rest of the face.

The Story Behind My Hybrid

My hybrid is a cross from a woodland creature as well as a sea creature who has human like features.
He can live in both land and water with the help of gills on one side of his neck, however he doesn't spend much time in the water as he finds it difficult to swim due to the fact that he has human hands and feet, without webbing which making it harder for him to swim for ling distances, also because he doesn't not have gills on both sides he can not swim under water for a long period of time.
The other element that my hybrid has is that of a woodland creature such as a faun or ram, for this he has horns on his forehead, unfortunately because he is a hybrid they aren't as big as they should be compared to other rams. My hybrid lives in a little cabin in the forrest by a lake,  with a few others of his kind this is an ideal place for these hybrids so that when they feel like living in one environment they haven't got far to travel. The forrest is so large that he hardly bumps into anyone else apart from the others he lives with, he has a few friends around the forrest however they rarely see each other due to the fact my hybrid can't go long distances without being submerged into water.

New | Research of Horns

Horns are always seen in pairs and are hard, pointed and often permanent projections the head of various hoofed mammals, the horns consist of a core of living bone covered by a sheath of keratin and other proteins, example of animals that have this true horns are antelopes, cattle buffalo and goats.  While the horns are both a bony core and a covering of keratinous material constitute the definition of a true horn. There are also other hard structures projecting from the head of animals that do have these requirements and yet are still referred to as horns. These animals are deers, the antlers are dead bones without horn covering, the horns of rhinoceroses these are thickly matted hair that has a keratin layer but lacks a bony core.

Horns are also a diversity of important functions for the animals bearing them. One of the main reasons is denseness from predator as well as they can be used as a tool in fighting other members of the species for either territory, mating , feeding courtships displays and sometimes cooling. Humans of course have found a way to use these horns as well with making things such as; musical instruments, carrying items such as gunpowder and drink. Traditional Chinese Medicine, an for making tools, furtniture and decorations. Some of these animals have also been hunted just for their horns just for hunting trophies.

I have looked into the use of horns and what they are made out of, so that I can create a horn like prosthetic piece, although I won't be able to make horns as big as the ones these animals have, I can still get the texture of what they are like.

Internet: [ Accessed 12th November 2015]
Image: [ Accessed 12th November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 12th November 2015]
Image: [Accessed

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Inspiration Moodboard

Below are images that I have put together on a mood board in photoshop, that have inspired me to create my hybrid with the sea and land creatures. My most favourite photo is the one in the left hand corner, the whole image just comes together really well, the coat is put together well with all the shells, the moss and even the colours make it looks like you would find something on the beach or on the sea floor.

Human Hybrid | Final Idea

I have finally come up with an idea that I actually want to do now, as you know my last two blog posts were about two very different types of animals of which were land and sea and I was so lost with what direction I wanted to go in as there was such a wide variety and things I could go with. In the end I decide to combine both land and sea creatures, as after all it is a hybrid so anything could be. I have decided to make some horns out of silicone but instead of them being big as they will not be able to support themselves, therefore I am going to make smaller horns about 1-2 inches high. This  will be from the woodland side of the creature. For the sea to part I am going to also make some gills out of silicone but only have them on one side of the body. To also make my hybrid look more fish like I am going to use fish net tights to create the scales and hopefully use a blue and silver greasepaint to make it look shiny and if not that add a bit more oil into that mixture to make it have a wet look. I also will have a coat that I will apply sea shells and other things related to the sea, to the coat to add to the sea creature more, I will also leave the coat slightly open to reveal hair on the chest that from the faun/ram creature, this is why I chose to use a male model as I think this look would look better on a male than on a female, it also helps that my model has hair on his chest.

Human Hybrid | Idea Two

My second idea for my hybrid was to create a woodland creature, I was heading towards this idea more than my first idea as I have a male model and I thought this would have been easier to create. To create this I wanted to make horns just like images below. However if I wanted to create these horns I would not be able to make them myself instead I would have to buy the pieces, which I didn't want to do also because I didn't have the money to spend on such. I then also thought that I would have to make the ears look a more pointed in which I would have to cast my models ears then create a wound which would take a long time seeing as I haven't learnt how to do that and many things could go wrong.

Image 1: [11th November 2015]
Image 2:  [11th November 2015]

Human Hybrid | Idea One

My first idea for my hybrid was to make some sort of sea creature mainly heading towards a mermaid/merman sort of thing, at first I wasn't sure how I wanted to create this especially having to make a prosthetic piece. Thats when the penny dropped that it is a hybrid I could really come up with any idea and then come up with a story behind how my hybrid is the way it is.
Because I wanted to create a merman I then thought how I would be able to bring that into a costume and obviously making a tail but I don't have that much to make one so I thought about buying one however they are either expensive, not the sort of ones I had in mind or for little kids to dress up as them, this wasn't the only reason why I wanted to change my hybrid, I was always torn between a sea creature and then a woodland creature. At this point I was more leaning towards a woodland creature instead. However below are photos I have found that gave me inspiration to think about creating a mermaid/merman.

Image 1: [11th November 2015]
Image 2: [11th November 2015]
Image 3: [11th November 2015]

Tuesday 10 November 2015

New | Drawing

Here is a drawing I did a while ago, although it doesn't really fit in with my hybrid idea, I still felt that I could include it as a type of hybrid as it had the body of a female and has the head of a goat. I think this where I got my initial idea from wanting to use horns, but as you know I couldn't anything like that with the silicone flat moulds that we have learnt. However I did think about making a headband with these apart of it but even that was quite tricky and the only thing I could think of that would solve it, is if I brought something like it however my bank balance isn't very large and I couldn't afford anything.

New | Animal Hybrids

Ligers: These are a cross of a male lion and female tiger, these are the largest of all living cars and felines.They are a massive size which could be a result of their imprinted genes which are not fully expressed in their parents, but they are however eft unchecked when the two different species mate. Some of the female ligers can grow to ten feet in length and weigh over 700 pounds. Ligers are distinct tigons which come from a female lion and a male tiger.

Zebroid: These are the offspring of a zebra and any other equine animal, usually a horse or a donkey. These are sometimes called zorses, zonkeys, zones and a host of other combinations. Zebroids are the most interesting example of hybrids bred this species and they have a radically different amount of chromosomes, for instance horses have 64 chromosomes and zebras have between 32 and 44 depending on what type.  

Grolar Bears: This is the offspring of a grizzly bear and a polar bear, a grolar bear is one beast you do not want to meet in the wild. Unlike some hybrids animals the grolar bear are known to occur naturally in the wild. Some experts predict that polar bears may be driven to breed with grizzly bears at an increased frequency due to global warming and that polar bears are being forced to move off their natural habitats on the ice.

Wholphins: A cross between a false killer whale and an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Wholephins are hybrids that have been reported to actually exist in the wild. However there are currently two in captivity both in a sea life park in Hawaii. The wholphin's size, colour and shape are intermediate between the parents species. Even the number of their teeth is a mixture, a bottlenose has 88 teeth and a false killer whale has 44 teeth so a wholphin has 66 teeth.

Savannah Cats: These are given to their name from their offspring of a domestic cat and serval of medium sized large eared will African cats. This unusual cross became a popular breed at the end of the 20th century, and in 2001 the international cat association accepted as a new registered breed.

Image1: [10th November 2015]
Image 2: [10th November 2015]
Image 3: [10th November 2015]
Image 4: [10th November 2015]
Image 5: [ 10th November 2015]
Internet: [ 10th November 2015]

New | Mythical Creatures

Mermaid/ Sirens: 
These were beautiful but dangerous creatures that lured sailors with their voices of doom, causing ships to crash on the reefs near the islands. They were the daughters of the river god Achelous, while they didn't know there mother so it may have been Terpsichore,  Melpomene , Sterope or Chthon. Although they are linked closely to a marine environment, they were not considered deities.  The sirens were also considered the companions of Persephone, the daughter of goddess Demeter and Zues and she was the god of the underworld. Which had given them wings in order to protect her daughter, however Persephone's get abducted from Hades and her mother Demeter cursed them, so from then on the sirens sing was a beautiful yet sad melody which was eternally calling for Persephone's return

She was a monster, one of the gorgon sisters, daughter of Phorkys and Keto who were the children of Gaea the goddess of earth and Oceanus god of the ocean. Medusa had the face of an ugly women with snakes for hair, for anyone whoever starred into her eyes would turn into stone. Her sisters were Sthenno and Euryale, however Medusa was the only one who was mortal. Medusa had originally had golden hair, and was a fair maiden who was a priestess of Athena, she was devoted to a life of celibacy, however being wooed by Poseidon and falling in love with him, she forgot her vows and married him. Because of this offence she was punished by the goddess in the most terrible way. Every wavy of Medusa hair that had once charmed her husband changed into a venomous snake, her once gentle eyes turned blood shot with furious orbs which excited fear and disgust in the mind of the onlooker. Whilst her pale complexion turned to a loathsome greenish tinge.

This is a well known creature that is half bull and half man. However not many people know the true origin. The story starts with the King of Crete, minos praying to Poseidon for support. Poseidon would send Minos a white bull which he had to kill as a sacrifice as a sign of this support. Minos loved the white bull so tried to swap it with one of his own, because of this Poseidon was furious and ordered the goddess of love to cast a spell on Minos wife to fall in love with the Cretan Bull, they went on to mate and their offspring was a Minotaur. The half man half bull beast devoured men for food. Minos had no other choice than to order Daedalus to build a large maze which could contain the Minotaur.

These creatures are half more and half human. They have the body of a horse and the torso, head and arms of a man. There are considered to be the children of Ixion, king of Lepiths and Nephew, which is a cloud made in the image of Hera. However there are other myths that say they were born from the union of a single Centaurus with the magnesian mares. One of the best known centaur from mythology is Chiron, who is a wise centaur. Although most of the centaurs were depicted as lustful and wild. Chiron was a notable exception, he was known for modest and civilised and for his medicinal skills and teaching abilities.

Image 1:  [ 10th November 2015]
Image 2:   [ 10th November 2015]
Image 3:   [ 10th November 2015]
Image 4:  [ 10th November 2015]
Image 5:  [ 10th November 2015]
Internet:   [ 10th November 2015]
Internet :   [ 10th November 2015]