Sunday 29 November 2015

Technical Evaluation

I am really pleased at how much I have learnt this unit with all these techniques, I already knew a small amount of how to mould, sculpting and casting but not with silicone. I made sure that I listened to what was being said at all time and taking notes and I am so glad that I did as it made it so much easier when it came to sculpting, making the silicone moulds, filling the moulds, applying the moulds I created as well colouring the moulds. The part I found most stressful and overwhelming was when it was time to measure out Silicone A and Silicone B, as it was the first any of us had done and I felt like there was so much pressure to make sure I measured out the exactly amount of Silicone A to Silicone B and not to waste any products.The things I found the hardest was making the baldiez mixture and working out how much deadener to put in, I know I could do it but I would think about it  too much and get myself all confused. The only problem I had when creating my hybrid is when it came to filling in the moulds with a silicone mixture, the scales kept turning off and when they turned back on a different number appeared, so I wasn't sure how the measurement went and I think I ended up so I was worried about how my piece would come out, when it came out it felt so watery and weird but I quite liked it at the same especially because they were gills and it actually worked out really well.

Now finishing this unit and looking back I have learnt so much more and feel so much more confident as well. I learnt how important it is for us to follow the health and safety rules, as if you don't wear a mask when dealing with the products it can all get a bit to much and give you a head so it is key that when creating pieces you are in a well ventilated place and making sure you keep the window open at all times. We have also learn that silicone is such a sensitive substance and anything top it from setting such as aloe vera and even sculpting and making the silicone moulds with garlic in the air from cooking can effect it. I have also really enjoyed learning about all the new products and I would have loved to have done this unit all year around as I feel like there is so much we could have done and learnt about, as special effects is such a big thing.

Final Project Evaluation

With this project I have learnt so much more than I already knew. I learnt how to create prosthetic pieces using a silicone mixture, and the importance that silicone has to be measured out accurately to be able to create these moulds. I preferred this way of making moulds as before I learnt a way that took almost two days to do where as this way with the silicone you can create something within the day. I really enjoyed trying to create a fork wound, at first I found it a bit difficult but after researching and coming across this heretics fork I was excited to try and create a wound that was from a fork.

For my hybrid I decided to go for a creature that was half land creature and sea creature. I really enjoyed this part of the unit as it allowed us to do anything that we wanted and there was so much that I wanted to do and I know I couldn't put everything together in one hybrid, so I felt a little overwhelmed, and my ideas sort of just halted for the time and I was dabbing between two ideas. I finally came up with my idea and then I knew I didn't have long to create these pieces to make my hybrid look they way I wanted it. When making these pieces I found it very therapeutic and enjoyable and I think my work came out really well for how much time we had and how much we learnt as sometimes it was quite overwhelming with how much we had to take in as well keeping up to date with all my blogging, but I have definitely found it easier this year to keep blogging, I think it is because I love these like this and this is what initially got me in to makeup.

Friday 27 November 2015

Week 9

I don't have much to reflect on for week nine really as this was the last week we were able to do our hybrids and I am so glad that I didn't have to re do my hybrid again, as I think this would have stressed me out and it had given me more time to work on my blog, although I wasn't behind or anything I just feel so more relaxed that I only really have to worry about one thing. Without sounding horrible but when I came into class and I saw people still creating moulds and stressing about their hybrids, I was so glad I wasn't in there position, and I finally thought to myself that I have sorted out my timing with getting my practicals done, however I am still not that great getting all my blog post done on time.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

New | Hybrid Images

Creating Hybrid | Step by Step

Products/ Equiptment:
- Barrier Cream
- Prosthetics Pieces
- Isopropyl Alchohol
- Cotton Buds
- Kryolan's Foundation palette
- Kryolan's supra colour palette
- Kryolan's Aqua colour palette
- Mehron painting pots
- Ben Nye's Fresh Scab
- Shimmery Eyeshadow
- Brushes
- Scissors
- Fish Net Tights


  1. Set up my work space with all the products that I did, then cleanse, tone and moisturise my models skin.
  2. Apply barrier cream to the face, whilst drying cut away sides from the prosthetic piece but not to close to the actual wound.
  3. Apply pros aide to the back of the prosthetics piece making sure the sides don't folder over. Apply pros aide to the skin where the piece will be going. Allow to dry, the glue will become tacky and clear. 
  4. Place the pieces onto the skin and insure that the piece is stuck down, with a cotton bud and isopropyl alcohol to blend away the edges and so that the piece looks like they blend into the skin.
  5. Repeat these steps with the rest of the pieces.
  6. Mixing a skin tone of foundation that matches your model, then adding in green and blue grease paint to the foundation the apply to the skin, in circle motions with a foundation brush as well as a buffing brush. Work down the neck and onto the chest.
  7. With fish netting tights, stretch them then place over the skin, the using aqua make it in to quite a thick paste but not to thick that you can use it, then dab over it tights making sure they are tight so that nothing smudges underneath.
  8. Once that is all complete, the next thing to do is with horns, with Ben Nye's fresh scab place around the bottom of the horns.
  9. For the lips using mehron's silver paint on the lips then using a dark blue aqua paint line the lips gently.
  10. For the eyes I used a shimmery eyeshadow that makes it blue, I placed that all over the eyelid to give it some texture and also to stop the greasepaint rubbing off.

Sunday 22 November 2015

The Hobbit

Everyone must know that The Hobbit sequel has become very popular and is such a massive thing. But of course with such a massive thing to create, creatures and the characters wouldn't have taken just a few days, oh no it took 26 days just to film one scene so it was a very long process but defiantly a rewarding one when you can sit back and watch and say that you worked on this film. Here are some more facts and figures from the blockbuster movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It took 25 months for the texture department to get Smaug's skin right.  4 tons of silicone was used to create the facial prosthetics, as well another 14 tons to create weapons and armour. After creating all those pieces it then took 5 hours to create the hair, make up and costume for each of the dwarfs. Then for Bilbo there was over 100 hobbit feet just for him in this one movie. There was 263 beards made for this film, with 7 kilometres of toupe tape used to help attach the beards to the face. 91 of those beards were just for the 13 dwarfs. Then of course there needs to be a substance to take all this make up off so with 860 bottles of Isopropyl alcohol to remove everything. AND for the whole trilogy of The Hobbit 11,862 prosthetics were made.
I genuinely love film like this, it all started when I started to watch Lord Of the Rings but of course it wasn't just once it was quite a few times and then it became more and more so much to the point where I can watch it and not pay attention for a while and still know what is happening. Although it was never like this I can remember at christmas Lord Of the Rings was always on and I hated it, I think it was because of the creature Golem he used to scary me so much, but as I grew up and watched it again it wasn't that bad at all and I don't know why I was scared. I was thrilled to hear that they were making the book of the hobbit into a film, and when I went to see it in the cinema it was defiantly worth the wait, it was amazing and it is so action packed that you don't even realise you have been sitting there for three hours. 

Image 1: [22nd November]
Image 2: [22nd November 2015]

Saturday 21 November 2015

New | Hybrids in Films | The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

In most fantasy, fairytale films there is always some sort of creature and if can identify then sometimes they are in fact hybrids, like the last picture above of the half cow half human creature. Both of them are things you see everyday, but putting them together makes it look quite creepy. I think this hybrid is similar to the Ancient Greek mythology of a Minotaur, with the horns nearer the top of the head an very large and then there ears just underneath, however a Minotaur's are a lot longer and bigger. Some hybrids can look quite scary and strange but some how I don't think that would have been a good idea in a children's film.  The picture above is Mr Tumnus, he is half goat and half man, and this is what kinda what I had in mind when thinking about my hybrid the only issue I had was there was no way I could create the bottom half as they were goats legs and the hair from his bottom half faded in to his top half. I really like this effect and I had considered trying to body paint on my model with the effect that it has hair on it.

Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]
Image: [Accessed 21st November 2015]